Back pain, often caused by extended hours of poor posture is becoming increasingly common because of the amount of time we spend hunched over smartphones and slouching in front of computers


Slouching not only makes you look tired, but it also makes you feel sluggish, fearful, and self-concious.


Poor posture communicates to those around you that you may be bored, nervous, or self-concious


Besides the obvious hunchback syndrome, slouching can make you look unhealthy, unattractive, and even a couple of pounds heavier


Practicing good posture engages your core, opens up your diaphragm to help you breathe better, and gives your organs the room they need to aid digestion


Straightening up and maintaining good posture can actually help incraese energy, productivity, and even reduce stress


Simply pulling your shoulders back, chin up, and back straight communicates confidence, presence, and openness, and helps you own the room


Holding yourself upright and in good posture can gelp you look younger, more vibrant, and attractive